Gutenberg is meer dan een editor

Gutenberg is meer dan een editor

Gutenberg Door Gutenberg Team Gutenberg is meer dan een editor. Hoewel de editor op dit moment de focus heeft, zal het project uiteindelijk invloed hebben op de hele ervaring van het publiceren, inclusief maatwerk (het volgende focusgebied). Ontdek meer over het...
Facebook Video: Is It a Viable Alternative to YouTube?

Facebook Video: Is It a Viable Alternative to YouTube?

It is only during the last couple of years that Facebook has gotten serious about its own video streaming. Thus, many people wonder if they should give it a chance or stay with the tried and true YouTube. The answer depends upon what you need in terms of video...
Divi Children 3 is almost here

Divi Children 3 is almost here

Divi Children 3 is almost here… and you are going to love it! been a long time without new features, hasn´t it? Well, let me tell you that I´ve never stopped working behind the scenes. In fact, I even decided to include in Divi Children 3 some nice features I had...